Dry Flies

Here you can find my dry flies offer heeled dry flies with and without wings, classic and modern patterns, parachutes and stimulators ... Look around, they will certainly find something for your fly box.

Super Floating Flies

This series dry flies are trimmed for good floating properties....


Here you will find the large dry flies, imitations of land...


Here you will find the classic mayfly patterns that make up the...

Caddis flies

Caddis fly imitations Besides the imitations of mayflies of...

Parachute Dry Flies

Flies in parachute tying style are found in the fly box of many...


Mayflies are probably the best known mayflies. Every fly...


Steinfliegen sind sehr alte Wasserinsekten. Ende Mai bis Anfang...

Fliegen mit verlängerten Körper

Eintagsfliegen und Köcherfliegen mit verlängertem...

Missing Link

Der Mercer's Missing Link ist ein großartiges...
